This where I share my day to day Journal, motivational thought, and about Block-chain Technology.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
You Are a Gift to the Universe!
Throughout life we play many roles as Shakespeare so eloquently describes in his play, As You Like It: "All the world's a stage and all the men & women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts...."
When we view the world as a stage (play) or movie, we are able to step back and become the observer. With all this to consider, it's no wonder we become confused as to who we are. Are we all these things that we do? Maybe not, but they are a part of who we are.
We realize we have power to shape the world as we would like it through our self-expression. We are constantly expressing ourselves. Self-expression comes from our attitude, mood or state-of-mind and then shows in our external appearance.. Much of it is unconsciously portrayed through our actions. When we recognize and embrace our true power, our world changes. Everyone has access to wisdom and has the strength they need to express it. Who are you?
Eventually, people ask, What is my purpose on Earth? Why am I here? What's this life for? & so on. Many times these questions may be answered with more questions: What makes your heart sing? What did you love to do when you were a child? The answers, which only you can give, may be very simple. And may be the clue to the following statement:
We are all born with gifts inside us. Part of our purpose is to express and share our gifts with others. We receive gifts from the Universe (God, Spirit, Source...) and we give back by sharing with others. Sometimes, if we are not expressing ourselves from an early age (like the child prodigy?) or are stifled in childhood by various experiences, we may have many, many gifts lying dormant inside of us! How many times have we heard about "late bloomers" who began writing, painting, etc. later in life? It's common now for people to change careers several times throughout their lives.
So, look inside yourself and discover the beauty within. You are so much more than you give yourselves credit for. We all are. We have so many gifts to give, so many blessings to share. So go forward and shine your light. Be the change you want to see and most important of all, be who you really are!
Michelle Starkey is an author, artist and humanitarian. Her first book, a book of affirmations for children entitled, Do You Know Who You Are? was released on October 18, 2007. A beautiful combination of inspirational sayings and animal paintings, it's sure to delight children of all ages, including the child within.
Her second book, a parenting book entitled, Do You Know Who Your Children Are? was released in April 2008. It is a timely inspection of the problems parents are facing today with their children's behavior and the tips for resolving the issues, including parents working on their own behavior. This self-discovery guide will help parents realize the many gifts children bring into their lives. Her goal is to assist in human development, helping others achieve their greatest potential. One way she accomplishes this is by helping people get in touch with their inner selves and remember who they are!
Article Source:
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Developing the Self Esteem
For this you have to maintain records of your progress at regular intervals. Positive thinking is of great help in this matter. A positive approach towards life can improve the self esteem remarkably. Whatever situations you might be in; always feeling good always helps. This will also lift up your confidence. When you are introduced to someone for the first time,directly look into their eyes. This brings about significant changes in the way you interact with him or her in the future.
Be friendly when you are getting acquainted and just think that this person is good and will be important for you. Gradually, this will create a confidence in you and will help to establish your self esteem. Remember to count on the listening power. The act of properly listening will help you in the long run and is a good habit that should be developed. Listen to the speaker with attention.
Respond to people who speak to you by smiling, nodding or simply saying things such as, "ok", "oh yes" or "that's awesome". It takes time to improve self confidence but it is worth doing. Give respect in order to get respect. Some people are very sensitive. Deal with them carefully and see that they are not criticized or offended in any manner. You can also counsel for advices on self esteem from your colleagues, family, friends, and mentors or people whom you respect and trust.
Pankaj Mistry is a freelance professional copywriter and content developer. He has won couple of awards for his concepts and themes for various topics. You can contact him at:
Article Source:
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Changing Your Mindsets to Make Changes in Your Personal Life
It has often been said, "It is all in the mind!" That statement is absolutely correct.
It is difficult to change unless you are ready to accept changes.
Changes are only easy to accept when you are mentally prepared for the consequences.
Unless that 'state of readiness' is achieved it is hard to change.
The following points will help us appreciate this argument.
It is important to have then desire to learn new things.
My parents are witnesses to many changes in their lifetime.
They used to solely listen to the radio before the advent of TV.
They have witnessed all the different generations of TVs, cameras, and music systems.
They used to write letters as young adults.
Now they try to learn what the new Iphone can do, what the new iPod shuffle can do, what is a Roomba, how does the G.P.S. work, which is the best gaming console, and why do I, their daughter, enjoy all these new 'toys'.
They love to write emails and can easily chat on Yahoo Messenger.
I shudder to imagine how their lives would be had they not adopted all the changes and decided one fine morning that they were comfortable with what they were doing.
They are willing to accept changes only because they have an open mind and unlike many of their friends, they 'want to learn'.
Learning is easy when you want to. It is harder to teach a concept to someone who is simply not interested.
Similarly it is relatively difficult to convey a message to someone who is not even paying attention to what you are saying.
Apply this to yourself and learn to accept change in your life.
Identify areas where you think it is harder for you to cope with changes.
Write them down in a personal log or make a mental note and then try to improve yourself.
Many studies have proven that people who make planned efforts to learn have been more successful than others who want to learn in a random, unsystematic way.
Learn to be amoebic.
If you have a chance to listen to a good speaker taking a class on 'Change Management', notice that s/he will always mention that organizations have to be amoebic.
The word 'Amoeba' was derived from the Greek, meaning "to change".
An Amoeba is a unicellular protozoan organism which moves by continually changing its body shape and forming extensions called pseudo pods (false feet).
It can live almost anywhere because of its simple structure and changing body.
The idea of an Amoeba that can change so easily has always stuck with me and I continuously try to be like one.
It is not only relevant to organizations but also to people.
We must be amoebic and change as and when required.
We all see good times and rough times in our personal lives.
All new situations demand something different from us.
We cannot play the same role in each situation and expect a solution to what is not currently satisfactory.
The simplest way to make changes in your personal life is by accepting the need to change, being amoebic in your approach to deal with that change, and always thinking of change as a positive activity from which you can learn.
In short, develop flexible mindsets and be open to the concept of life-long learning.
Gloria M Hamilten is a recognized authority in disciplines within Personal Development and People Skills for Business Professionals, such as Time Management, Negotiation Skills, Developing High-Performance Teams, Assertion Skills, Building International Rapport, Conflict Management and Resolution, Presentation and Platform Skills.
Her studies in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Psychology have lead to her researching brain disorders such as AD-HD and its relations.
She has her own training business, and conducts courses for Corporate Organizations, Sporting groups and Tertiary Educational Institutions in Australia.
Her professional experience covers over 30 years of study, research, one-on-one coaching, group coaching, presentations and workshops. Her clientele includes children as well as adults.
Gloria Hamilten has authored the eBook: "Successful Self-Hypnosis" and many Reports and online articles.
Her websites provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything within these genres.
Visit her websites:
This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.
Article Source:
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Happy Idul Fitri
Our holy friend and visitor Ramadhan is packing his bags up now and doing farewell aforetime. Insya Allah it is being a wonderful and successful Ramadhan for all.
On this Special Eve I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my Whays Corners Visitors:
Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum kullu ‘amin wa antum bi khoir
Minal ‘aidin wal faidzin
Forgive me for the indiscretions of the body and spirit
Happy Ied ul-Fitr 1429 H
May Allah accept deeds from us,
together with the victory and peace
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
“I thank God for His abundant mercy, guidance, and endless favors upon humanity”
Monday, August 18, 2008
What is Meta Tag?
This post is as continue post from previous and also I got from Cosaaranda site. Beside the Geo Tags, there are also tags named — Meta Tags. Like geo tag, Meta tags are additional information regarding our sites or site's page which are added in header area of the HTML code of the site. So let us continue to know these Meta tags.
Meta Tag Description
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="This is book site">
From above example, it can be seen that Meta tag description is consist of information about web or webpage description. Idealy, meta tag consist of not more than 180 characters including space or 25 words.
Meta Tag Keywords
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="new book,author,writer,publisher,best seller book">
Meta tag keywords consist of key words that related to theme of the web or webpage. The keywords can be simple word or phrase. Ideally it more than 10 key words.
Meta Tag Robots
<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index,follow">
Meta tag robots consist of instruction for robot or crawler of the search engine (e.g. Yahoo, Google, etc). At above example, the crawler of search engine is allowed to index the related page and follow all links on the web page. Currently this Meta tag already rare to be used by web developers because there is other solution that more flexible to control the robot of the search engine. This option is to use file robots.txt.
Meta Tag Refresh
<META NAME="refresh" CONTENT="5″>
Meta tag refresh is used to give instruction for the browser to refresh or to reload the related web or webpage in certain frequency. In above example the web or webpage will be refreshed or reloaded every 60 seconds.
<META NAME="refresh" CONTENT="5;URL=">
Other use of Meta tag refresh is to redirect the visitors to others web or webpage after certain duration. In example above the visitors will be redirect to web after 5 seconds.
The use of Meta tag refresh sometimes is also combined with Meta http-equiv. As follow:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
In the Meta http-equiv pragma above, the Meta tag instruct to the browser not to cache or save the copy of webpage in the browser history so when the visitors open the webpage the browser need to reload the webpage from the server every time the visitor open the web page.
Besides those 4 Meta Tags, actually there are more Meta Tags. I hope this will give you knowledge.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Free Templates for Blogger and Wordpress
You may get the link from this resources:
Blogging Tutorial
Free Blog Templates For You
Have a nice try and good luck.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
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Monday, April 28, 2008
Memory – What Makes People Face Failure in Improving Memory?
When it comes to improving memory there are several techniques available on the market. However, people still face complete failure in improving their memory power. There are several reasons for this.
Most people tend to waste their hard money on various memory products that are actually fake and not meant to enhance memory at all. They purchase these products after watching some of the powerfully directed commercials or reading billboards and newspapers classifieds ads.
Once they see something attractive and promising, they order the products. It is only after purchasing the product that they came to know about its inability to enhance memory or just about any other thing.
Another main reason in this concern is lack of practical knowledge. People don’t have any amount of practical training or very little practical knowledge. It is simple. One cannot purchase a book on body building and obtain the desired look by just reading it.
Most internet savvies usually look for instant results or magic pills. These may be available but would never provide you any sort of results.
The main thing is to attain practical experience and training. This will only make you achieve desired results.
Try to understand that memorizing skill should be natural and absolutely effortless. It should be as natural as a practical ability such as reading. When you read, you don’t think about the process. It occurs naturally.
Memorizing should occur in similar manner. Make it as effortless as breathing. You should memorize fast, efficient and via enjoying the process.
Once you possess memorization skill, you can memorize anything, even an online book. Another reason why people fail is that they get trapped in to the lure of memorization techniques, widely known as memories. People are under a false notion that the more techniques they have, the better memory they have. Hence, they are happy spending money on a lot of books, CD and videos.
Sadly, the fact is that almost 99 per cent of these techniques are inefficient and ineffective. The main reason is that they are outdated and not at all based on natural processes of memory and brain.
Now, as you have been acquainted with so many reasons on why most people fail to enhance their memory, you must stay away from frauds and focus on the fact.
Remember that real memory can only be enhanced via professional help and practical training. You need an instructor who would help you out in this.
To sum up, if you are really interested in enhancing your memory, you must believe in practical training more than anything else. - All the best!
For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about BRAIN TRAINING please visit BRAIN TRAINING SECRETS and MEDITATION BUZZ
Article Source: Ezine Articles
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Webbeke!•White Gaming•Wildan•Wulan Guritno
Friday, April 25, 2008
Currently no available yet for blog/web that have letter begins with X.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Yani Sugiri•Yuwono Prasetya
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Currently no available yet for blog/web that have letter begins with Z.
Friday, March 21, 2008
IQ Test Or IA Test?
An IQ test is supposed to measure one's "intelligence quotient," to provide a basic rating of how smart a person is. When we try to measure people in this way, we hope it will predict how well they will perform in either their profession or academic work. Of course we know that this doesn't work very well. We can all think of examples of highly intelligent people who are less successful than those with "weaker" minds.
In the world of academics, studies have shown that a student's habits of self discipline are far more likely to predict high grades than the score on an IQ test. Obviously the usefulness of the latter kind of testing is limited, but what is the alternative? On possibility is the "intelligence application," or "IA test.".
The IA Test
The idea here is not to measure how well you can use your brain on "paper problems." This measuring of "brain potential" is what the IQ test is about. An IA score would be a rating of how well you actually apply your intelligence in your life. As far as I know, nobody has yet developed a systematic test of this sort. What would it consist of, then?
Most likely it would start with a standard IQ test of some sort. That measure of "what you have" would then be used in conjunction with a measure of "what you do with it" to come up with an IA score. The first number (your IQ score) might be added to or subtracted from according to measures of "application." But what would we use for these? There are many possibilities.
If we used income as an "intelligence application measure," we might start with zero for an average income for that particular IQ level, and add or subtract points for being above or below that. This is based on the idea that being more intelligent should lead to a higher income if one is applying that intelligence well. We could divide IQ scores into ten levels, and for each, find the average income or create a scheme for what ones income "should be." Then we could add a point for each level a person is above their "presumed" income, or subtract one for each level below.
Of course, this measure assumes that higher income is either an objective value, or at least a goal of the person being tested. That brings up the first serious problem with this new kind of test. Do we want to use an objective set of values against which to measure how well people apply their intelligence, or should we measure according to the person's own stated goals? There are tough challenges with both approaches. The first requires some agreement on what is universally valuable. The second assumes that people really know what they value.
This is the problem with the all the possible measures. We can create measures of some sort to see how well a person does in relationships, health maintenance, creative output, and even happiness, but we cannot so easily say what the value of those things is, or how much the person being tested really desires those things. At first this problem of standards and measurements may make it seem that we cannot develop an intelligence application test. But we can choose a standard (or develop two tests). As for the measuring, we already do it.
If you've ever said about a person, "He doesn't use what he's got," or "She's so smart, but she doesn't do anything with it," you were measuring. You can't say such things without having some idea of what a person could be doing better. These kinds of comments are a measuring of performance against that idea or standard. Granted it isn't precise, but it acknowledges that such things are measured.
The IA test would simply make it more precise. A statistician will tell you that when things are difficult to measure, you don't give up: You just measure more. For example, if all you have is flawed rulers to measure a door with, you don't use one once. You can get closer to a true measurement by using them all several times and taking the average. If you are measuring the relative happiness of people in various groups, whether the groups are determined by country of residence or IQ level, you can to some extent overcome the flaws in measurement by making enough of them. When a group consistently scores higher after thousands are tested using many methods, the data becomes more accurate and useful.
At the level of the individual, then, we would also want to measure many things in many ways, because of the uncertainty of any one measurement. We might measure income, as noted, but then measure again according to what income the person thinks would be ideal. We could also adjust this for age. We might measure success in relationships in six different ways, and the application of intelligence to household chores in several ways. Using all of these various measures, we might arrive at a IA test which can assign a score that actually means something. Or maybe not.
Perhaps the idea of "intelligence application" is most useful not for developing a new test, but for pointing out how flawed some kinds of tests can be. I've seen the same man score 70 on one IQ test and 140 on another, and I know of a millionaire who can't read. If after generations of these tests being used they cannot be more accurate or predictive than that, there may not be too much hope for an IA test either. Life itself is the real "IA test," and perhaps for a long time to come the closest measurements we'll get will be the intuitive ones that lead to the comments, "He sure knows how to use what he's got," or "She just isn't living up to her potential."
Article Source:- Directory Submission & Sexy Deepika Padukone
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Memory Training – What Are the Benefits?
Memory techniques are not new. These techniques have been existing for a long time now. It is very difficult to understand human memory as its mechanism is very complicated. However, human memory is one of the most crucial things to understand.
Memory cannot be compared to intelligence. It is actually the power of the mind that works towards processing and deducting and assist it.
One of the oldest memory techniques dates back to the era of ancient Romans. A Roman orator would walk around his garden when preparing for a speech and relate various parts of speech to different parts of the garden via placing these parts of the speech at different locations already opted across the garden. Anything that’s associated to imagery is difficult to forget.
According to a recent research, it has been proved that it is possible to train people to become more intelligent and increase the brain power they actually possessed at the time of birth.
It was assumed until late that one cannot think of fluid intelligence that has the ability to solve problems. However, according to a latest research, it has been proved that there is a method that can improve this skill. This is known as memory training.
There are several benefits one can enjoy via the process of memory training.
First and foremost, memory training can enhance problem solving skills of brain. These skills are known as fluid intelligence.
Some US and Swiss researchers teamed up to create a series of computer games in order to train working memory. This memory is quite close to fluid intelligence and bases on the similar brain circuit.
This game was designed to obtain a more difficult level in case the player succeeds to meet the intelligence level of every individual. However, if the player tends to lose, the forthcoming level becomes easier in order to not to disappoint the player.
Another benefit of following memory techniques is that these have great capacity to enhance brain power. In fact, these techniques push the brain to process all that it remembers.
In case, you have learned the name of a person, just imagine how that individual will be important to you in the near future and where would you see him or think about him.
Another important and beneficial memory training would be to tell yourself the reason on why you want to remember a particular thing and the way you will remember it. The process of remembering a particular thing will work towards stimulating the brain in order to hold the name and extra associations in the brain.
Memory techniques can make you solve many problems in a jiffy. All you require to do is to keep exercising with these memory techniques and give your brain power a boost.
Article Source:- Directory Submission & Deepika Padukone
Friday, January 18, 2008
What is Geo Tag?
Geo Tag is one of the Meta Tag that is used to make a webpage friendlier to search engine in term of personalization of the location of the website or usually called SE-Friendly. Geo tag itself consist of information about geographic location of your site that will be interpret by crawler of the search engine as your target visitors. So, let's get more to know about this Geo tag.
The Geo tag has 3 elements, which are:
<META NAME="geo.position" CONTENT="latitude; longitude">
<META NAME="geo.placename" CONTENT="nama tempat">
<META NAME="geo.region" CONTENT="kode negara">
First element (geo.position) gives information about geographic position base on latitude and longitude.
Second element (geo.placename) gives information about name location or city.
The last, the third one (geo.region) gives information of the country or state.
The examples are as follows:
<META NAME="geo.position" CONTENT="-7.2333;112.75″>
<META NAME="geo.placename" CONTENT="surabaya">
In above example, when those codes are placed in the HTML of the webpage, it gives information to search engine that the website has geographic position in city of Surabaya in country of Indonesia.
Practically, not all the element of the Geo tag must be included. As example, for Indonesia for instance it is barely enough by only added the "ID" in
Or for more detail:
<META NAME="geo.position" CONTENT="-5;120″>
<META NAME="geo.placename" CONTENT="Indonesia">
At last there is a question how to get the value of geo tag especially longitude and altitude as the example above? Do we have to have a GPS equipment to get the numbers? Of course not, we can use this tool to find the longitude and altitude, then fill the numbers to Geo Tag Generator tool. Isn't that so easy?
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