The East Kalimantan Education Agency is allocating Rp 6.3 billion (US$636,300) to provide laptops for 1,000 teachers in the province.
This news is good news for our education in Indonesia. We hope with this action can improve our Indonesian man resources. But we should audit the expenses and also is it true the teachers using these laptops to educational purpose and boost they knowledge so it can share updated knowledge to their students.
Musyahrim, secretary of the agency, said Friday that the funds would be allocated in the revision of the province's 2009 budget.
He said the teachers who would receive the laptops are teachers of international standard schools (SBI), international standard pilot-project schools (RSBI). RSBI refers to state schools that are in the process of becoming SBIs.
“Currently, there are around 4,000 teachers in those schools, but we will provide them all with laptops eventually,” he said.
The province has 31 SBIs and RSBIs, ranging from elementary schools to high schools and vocational schools.
This where I share my day to day Journal, motivational thought, and about Block-chain Technology.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Free Backlink
Do you want to have backlink to your blog free? If yes, just continue read this posting. This trick is using the MLM system but free no need to pay or buy anything and anyone can do this just like a snapping the fingers.
(See complete posting for Bahasa Indonesia)
These are the step that you have to follow:
1. Copy the all ten links below but you have to delete the link in the position number 1.
2. Then add your own link after the last link that makes your link in the 10th position.
3. You have to be honest.
1. Uang otomatis
2. Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra
3. Arumsekartaji
4. ANTaPhoenixers
5. Padhang Bulan
6. Blog Sederhana
7. Sahabat Pena
8. Harri Adventure
9. Seputar Obat
10. WHAYS Corners
If you have 5 persons that also do the same thing using your start position in number 10, here are the calculation of number backlink that you can receive:
When you in the position 10, number of backlink = 1
Position 9, Number of backlink = 5
Position 8, Number of backlink = 25
Position 7, Number of backlink = 125
Position 6, Number of backlink = 625
Position 5, Number of backlink = 3.125
Position 4, Number of backlink = 15.625
Position 3, Number of backlink = 78.125
Position 2, Number of backlink = 390.625
Position 1, Number of backlink = 1,953,125
All of links are using keywords that you prefer. From the SEO side you can get 1,953,125 backlink and potential to have the visitor to click your link and get the additional traffic to your site.
So just copy paste this posting, then delete the link in position number 1 and add your link at position 10th. For the first time you must put your link in 10th position to get maximum result.
Good luck and have a nice try :-D and let we see the result. BOOM!
Bahasa Indonesia version:
Hai teman semua maukah blog anda dapat backlink gratis? kalau ya terusin baca info ini, saya dapat tips jitu nih dari sahabat blogger untuk meningkatkan traffic blog kita kali ini sistem yang dipake adalah sistem MLM. Tapi kita ga jualan lo, cuma trik biar link kita banyak dikunjungi. Caranya gampang dan syaratnya gampang bgt. Temen2 cuma tinggal copy link yang ada di bawah ini dengan catatan teman-teman harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link anda sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Syaratnya juga gampang banget...Temen-temen cuma dituntut berbuat JUJUR.
1. Uang otomatis
2. Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra
3. Arumsekartaji
4. ANTaPhoenixers
5. Padhang Bulan
6. Blog Sederhana
7. Sahabat Pena
8. Harri Adventure
9. Seputar Obat
10. WHAYS Corners
Jika temen-temen mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah:
Ketika posisi anda 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125
Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang anda inginkan. Dari sisi SEO anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung downline lalu mengklik link Anda itu, maka anda juga akan mendapatkan traffic tambahan.
Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link web anda di posisi 10. Ingat, Anda harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika anda tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link anda akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10. Nggak ada salahnya khan mencoba? Mari kita lihat bagaimana efeknya. BOOM!
(See complete posting for Bahasa Indonesia)
These are the step that you have to follow:
1. Copy the all ten links below but you have to delete the link in the position number 1.
2. Then add your own link after the last link that makes your link in the 10th position.
3. You have to be honest.
1. Uang otomatis
2. Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra
3. Arumsekartaji
4. ANTaPhoenixers
5. Padhang Bulan
6. Blog Sederhana
7. Sahabat Pena
8. Harri Adventure
9. Seputar Obat
10. WHAYS Corners
If you have 5 persons that also do the same thing using your start position in number 10, here are the calculation of number backlink that you can receive:
When you in the position 10, number of backlink = 1
Position 9, Number of backlink = 5
Position 8, Number of backlink = 25
Position 7, Number of backlink = 125
Position 6, Number of backlink = 625
Position 5, Number of backlink = 3.125
Position 4, Number of backlink = 15.625
Position 3, Number of backlink = 78.125
Position 2, Number of backlink = 390.625
Position 1, Number of backlink = 1,953,125
All of links are using keywords that you prefer. From the SEO side you can get 1,953,125 backlink and potential to have the visitor to click your link and get the additional traffic to your site.
So just copy paste this posting, then delete the link in position number 1 and add your link at position 10th. For the first time you must put your link in 10th position to get maximum result.
Good luck and have a nice try :-D and let we see the result. BOOM!
Bahasa Indonesia version:
Hai teman semua maukah blog anda dapat backlink gratis? kalau ya terusin baca info ini, saya dapat tips jitu nih dari sahabat blogger untuk meningkatkan traffic blog kita kali ini sistem yang dipake adalah sistem MLM. Tapi kita ga jualan lo, cuma trik biar link kita banyak dikunjungi. Caranya gampang dan syaratnya gampang bgt. Temen2 cuma tinggal copy link yang ada di bawah ini dengan catatan teman-teman harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link anda sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Syaratnya juga gampang banget...Temen-temen cuma dituntut berbuat JUJUR.
1. Uang otomatis
2. Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra
3. Arumsekartaji
4. ANTaPhoenixers
5. Padhang Bulan
6. Blog Sederhana
7. Sahabat Pena
8. Harri Adventure
9. Seputar Obat
10. WHAYS Corners
Jika temen-temen mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah:
Ketika posisi anda 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125
Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang anda inginkan. Dari sisi SEO anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung downline lalu mengklik link Anda itu, maka anda juga akan mendapatkan traffic tambahan.
Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link web anda di posisi 10. Ingat, Anda harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika anda tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link anda akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10. Nggak ada salahnya khan mencoba? Mari kita lihat bagaimana efeknya. BOOM!
Friday, July 24, 2009
How to Be More Effective - Go Slower and Get There Faster
By Dr. Raymond Comeau
It's not the number of units of work that is done in a day that counts. What really counts is the value and effect of each of those units. One person may read one hundred page of a book in a twenty-four hour period and get less out of it than someone who spent one tenth of the time on a single page.
The man who holds the most important job in the world, Barack Obama, will spend five minutes just clearing his throat before uttering a single word. A bit of an exaggeration here but it gets the point across. The point is that important and effective people are more deliberate and poised in most of their actions than the average person.
There are many reasons for that. The first is that rapid execution depend more on innate reflexes than on deliberate rational thinking. By constantly using innate reflexes, little personal growth and little new expertise can be expected. That way, the subject's effectiveness remains roughly the same.
On the other hand, if the subject is in the habit of using deliberate rational thinking, that faculty is bound to increase in effectiveness. Increase in effectiveness will result in increase in personal power and with more personal power comes the ability to do more in less time.
The brain is like a muscle. It increases in strength while working against resistance but will not improve if left unchallenged. Most people will simply rush through life, automatically reacting to events without ever taking the time to analyze whatever it is that they are involved in or monitoring the effectiveness of their interventions. No wonder that little progress is acquired in personal effectiveness or personal power.
We live in a hectic world where activity is often mistaken for productivity. This is especially true where people have little or no control over their lives; where people are struggling just to say afloat. When it seems as if they are caught in the whirlwind of existence and cannot seem to get a grip on life.
When that happens, a "time out" has to be called. It's time to reorganize and regroup. Time for a change in strategies and time to revaluate one's values. Rushing through life is not only ineffective; it's missing life altogether. A reality check has to be undertaken and a more effective strategy has to be implemented.
The brain is most effective when it's in a relaxed and serene mode. When under pressure or stress, the creativity and reasoning faculties become affected by interference from the limbic or reptilian mind. That primitive part of the brain whose main function is survival.
When not in relative control of a situation or pushed, whether voluntary or not, to unduly accelerate the rhythm of the work at hand, the primitive brain senses danger and sets in the fight or flight response. When that happens, some of the mental resources become monopolized by the fight or flight mechanism and are no longer available to the rational thinking process. Not an ideal mindset for productivity.
To be truly constructive, effective and in a time saving mode, the mind needs peace and serenity. A condition that a hurried peace renders next to impossible. So, to be as effective as possible and to achieve the most in the least amount of time, a tranquil and deliberate pace is the order of the day. Rushing and pressing is an invitation to delay rather than accelerate productivity.
We have but one life to live. To live it to the fullest, time must be taken to bathe in the experience of the moment. Something that simply cannot be done when febrillity reigns and speed is the essence. Relax and take it one step at the time. That's the recipe for effectiveness and productivity.
Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Owner Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums
Article Source:
It's not the number of units of work that is done in a day that counts. What really counts is the value and effect of each of those units. One person may read one hundred page of a book in a twenty-four hour period and get less out of it than someone who spent one tenth of the time on a single page.
The man who holds the most important job in the world, Barack Obama, will spend five minutes just clearing his throat before uttering a single word. A bit of an exaggeration here but it gets the point across. The point is that important and effective people are more deliberate and poised in most of their actions than the average person.
There are many reasons for that. The first is that rapid execution depend more on innate reflexes than on deliberate rational thinking. By constantly using innate reflexes, little personal growth and little new expertise can be expected. That way, the subject's effectiveness remains roughly the same.
On the other hand, if the subject is in the habit of using deliberate rational thinking, that faculty is bound to increase in effectiveness. Increase in effectiveness will result in increase in personal power and with more personal power comes the ability to do more in less time.
The brain is like a muscle. It increases in strength while working against resistance but will not improve if left unchallenged. Most people will simply rush through life, automatically reacting to events without ever taking the time to analyze whatever it is that they are involved in or monitoring the effectiveness of their interventions. No wonder that little progress is acquired in personal effectiveness or personal power.
We live in a hectic world where activity is often mistaken for productivity. This is especially true where people have little or no control over their lives; where people are struggling just to say afloat. When it seems as if they are caught in the whirlwind of existence and cannot seem to get a grip on life.
When that happens, a "time out" has to be called. It's time to reorganize and regroup. Time for a change in strategies and time to revaluate one's values. Rushing through life is not only ineffective; it's missing life altogether. A reality check has to be undertaken and a more effective strategy has to be implemented.
The brain is most effective when it's in a relaxed and serene mode. When under pressure or stress, the creativity and reasoning faculties become affected by interference from the limbic or reptilian mind. That primitive part of the brain whose main function is survival.
When not in relative control of a situation or pushed, whether voluntary or not, to unduly accelerate the rhythm of the work at hand, the primitive brain senses danger and sets in the fight or flight response. When that happens, some of the mental resources become monopolized by the fight or flight mechanism and are no longer available to the rational thinking process. Not an ideal mindset for productivity.
To be truly constructive, effective and in a time saving mode, the mind needs peace and serenity. A condition that a hurried peace renders next to impossible. So, to be as effective as possible and to achieve the most in the least amount of time, a tranquil and deliberate pace is the order of the day. Rushing and pressing is an invitation to delay rather than accelerate productivity.
We have but one life to live. To live it to the fullest, time must be taken to bathe in the experience of the moment. Something that simply cannot be done when febrillity reigns and speed is the essence. Relax and take it one step at the time. That's the recipe for effectiveness and productivity.
Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Owner Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums
Article Source:
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